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Regiment of the Day

Regiment of the Day

Pages focusing on specific regiments (of 15mm figs).

15mm Napoleonic - I have split these up into partial OOBs now, so you can see the overall structure of the forces emerging.

All OOBs are based on the excellent (and freely available) Republique system, from the War Times Journal.

Where a unit appears as a link, click on that link to view the 'Regiment of the Day' article that shows the actual figures, and any other info I might have dug up on that unit.

This is a massive project :)

When its done, it should provide a complete clickable OOB for most of the major battles of the Napoleonic wars, including photos of painted 15mm units, uniforms, and details of each and every unit of each nationality.

I will try to be as accurate as possible with flags, uniform details, etc, etc ... but in some cases figure conversions will be used to show how a certain unit can be represented at a certain battle.

Hope you enjoy - and find this useful.  Years later ... it might actually be done.

Legend Colour Coding

HTML Link = Unit all done, click on the unit to read the article.
Red = Unit all done, yet to write up blog account.
Green = In the final painting queue, wont be long now.

Battle of Jena-Auerstadt 1806

Prussian / Saxon Army

(Saxon) Southern Army - Hohenlohe

Advance Guard Division - Ferdinand

1st Division - Grawert

2nd Division - Zechwitz   

  • DHQ
  • Infantry Brigade von Burgsdorf - 5 bases (Thummel, Prince Xavier Reg's)
  • Infantry Brigade von Dyherrn - 5 bases (Low, Niesemeuschel, Belvaqua Reg's)
  • Boguslawsky Fusilers - 2 bases
  • Cavalry Brigade von Kochitsky - 1 base heavy cav (Mtd.Carabinier)
  • 1 heavy foot artillery. 1 medium horse artillery

3rd Division - Tauentzein

  • Brigade von Zweiffel - 3 bases (Zweiffel Musk.,Herwarth Gren.)
  • Brigade von Schöneberg - 4 bases (Rechten, Maximillian Saxon Musk.)
  • Rosen Fusilers - 1 base
  • Cavalry Brigade Prince Clement - 3 bases Light Cav. (Clement ChevLeg. & Bila Hus.)
  • 1 light foot artillery

Reserve Division - Prittwitz

  • Brigade Prittwitz - 4 bases Grenadiers (von Losthin, Dohna, Kollin, Borck)
  • Brigade Cerrini - 5 bases Grenadiers (Thiolaz, Le Coq, Lightenhayr, Metzsch, Hundt)
  • Cavalry Brigade von Krafft - 4 bases medium cav.(32nd Dragoons & Prince John ChevLeg.)
  • 1 heavy foot artillery, 1 medium foot artillery
(Prussian) Northern Army - Brunswick

Advanced Guard Division - Blücher



1st Division - Frederick (Prince of Orange)

(Waiting on Bn guns and Schutzen to complete .. and Flags as well !)

  • DHQ
  • Ferdinand line regiment - 3 bases
  • Puttkammer line regiment - 3 bases
  • Mollendorf line regiment - 3 bases
  • Wartensleben line regiment - 3 bases
  • Rheinbaben grenadiers - 1 base
  • Knebel Grenadiers - 1 base
  • Life Guard Brigade - 4 bases (Guard Cav)
  • 1 medium foot artillery

2nd Division - Wartensleben

  • Renouard line regiment - 3 bases
  • Kleist line regiment - 3 bases
  • Luneburg line regiment - 3 bases
  • Ferdinand line regiment - 3 bases
  • Hanstein Grenadiers - 2 bases
  • Alt-Braun Grenadiers - 1 base
  • Brigade Quitzow - 4 bases Cuirassier
  • 1 medium foot artillery
  • 1 light horse artillery

3rd Division - von Schmettau  

(Waiting on Bn guns to complete)


Battle of Eylau 1807

Russian Army 

Left Wing  - Ostermann-Tolstoy
2nd Division, Ostermann-Tolstoy
6th Division, Sedmoratski 
  • Starooskolski Musketeers - 3 bases
  • 4th Jager - 2 bases
  • Alexandrisski Hussars - 1 base
Centre - Osten Sacken I
  • Artillery Reserve - 2 Heavy Foot, 2 Medium Foot
  • Cavalry Reserve - (Little Russia Cuirassier / Courland Dragoon / Soumi Hussar / Malakov Cossacks) - 4 bases cavalry, mixed. (Detached to left wing prior to the battle)
3rd Division - Osten Sacken I
  • Tavriches Grenadier / Litov Musketeer - 5 bases
  • Kapor Grenadier / Murom Musketeer - 5 bases
  • Chernigov Grenadier / Dneipr Musketeer - 5 bases

8th Division - Essen III 
  • Moskva Grenadier - 3 bases
  • Schusselburg / Old Ingermann Musketeer - 5 bases 
Right Wing - Tuchov
5th Division - Tuchov
  • Perm / Mogilev Musketeers - 5 bases
  • Jager Regt 20/24 - 4 bases jagers
  • Grodno Hussar - 1 base light cavalry
  • Soumii / Mitav Dragoons - 3 bases medium cavalry
+ many reserve units, including a combined division of left-overs, Kamenski's 14th Division, an army level reserve cavalry brigade, Platov's Cossacks. 

A number of Prussian remnants are there on the day as well ... just use the same figures from the previous Jena-Auerstadt collection.

For the French Army, its essentially the same as the previous campaign at Jena-Auerstadt.

    Battle of Wagram 1809

    French Army

    Imperial Guard Corps - Napoleon

    Guard Infantry Division - Dorsenne

      III Corps - Davout
      Corps Reserve
      • Brigade Pajol - 3 bases Light Cav (11,12e Chas Chev / 5e Hussar)
      • Brigade Jacquinot - 3 bases light cav (1,2e Chas Chev)
      • Brigade Grouchy - 3 bases medium cav (7,30,La Reine Dragoons)
      • Brigade Pully - 2 bases medium cav (23,28 Dragoons)
      • Artillery Brigade Hanicque -  2 Heavy Foot, 1 Light Horse
      1st Division - Morand - DHQ
        2nd Division - Friant - DHQ
        3rd Division - Gudin - DHQ
        • 7e Legere - 4 bases
        • 12e Ligne - 4 bases
        • 21e Ligne - 3 bases
        • 25e Ligne - 3 bases
        • 85e Ligne - 3 bases
        • 2 Medium Foot Artillery
        4th Division - Puthod - DHQ
        • Brigade Girard (33e 60e 61e Ligne) - 3 bases Green
        • Brigade Desailly (111e 12e 25e 85e Ligne) - 4 bases Green
        • Light Foot Artillery

        Army of Italy - Beauharnais  
        (on the French side ...)

        VII Corps - Wrede  (Bavarians detached from Lefebvre)

        2nd Bavarian Division - Wrede  (treated as Corps Commander)

          Austrian Army

          Advanced Guard Division (Nordman)
          Austrian I Corps - Bellegarde
          • CHQ
          • Corps Artillery - Heavy Foot Battery
          • Corps Cavalry - Klenau Cheveaux Legere (1 base)

          1st Division - Dedovich
          2nd Division - Fresnel

            Austrian II Corps - Hechingen
            • CHQ
            • Corps Artillery - Heavy Foot, Medium Horse
            • Corps Cavalry - 4th Vincent Chev Legere (1 base light)

            1st Division - Brady
            • IR 54 - 6 bases line
            • IR 25 - 6 bases line
            • IR 57 - 5 bases line
            • IR 15 - 4 bases line
            • Brigade Parr - 4 bases militia (2 Znaim, 3rd Hradisch, 1st/3rd Bruner Landwehr)
            • 2 Medium Foot Artillery

            2nd Division - Siegenthal
            • IR 21 - 6 bases line
            • IR 18 - 6 bases line
            • IR 28 - 6 bases line
            • Brigade Hardegg - 3 bases light infantry (8th Jaeger, 2nd Charles Legion)
            • 2 Medium Foot Artillery

            Battle of Bussaco 1810

            British / Portuguese Army

            2nd Infantry Division - Hill
            • Brigade Stewart - 4 bases (3rd, 48th, 66th)
            • Brigade Inglis - 3 bases (29th, 48th, 57th)
            • Brigade Craufurd - 3 bases (28th, 34th, 39th)
            • Brigade Archibald - 4 bases (4th & 10th Portuguese line)
            • Brigade Fonseca - 5 bases (2nd & 14th Portuguese line)

                Battle of Dresden 1813 

                Russian - Prussian Army, Barclay de Tolly

                Right Wing Army - Wittgenstein
                  Prussian Corps - Von Kleist
                  • 10th Brigade - Pirch
                    • Brigade HQ
                    • 2nd W.Prussian line regiment - 5 bases Green
                    • 7th Reserve Infantry Regiment - 4 bases Green
                    • 9th Silesian Landwehr - 4 bases Militia
                    • 1st Silesian Landwehr Cavalry - 1 base Militia
                    • 1 x medium foot artillery 
                  • 11th Brigade - Ziethen
                    • 1st Silesian Line - 4 bases Green
                    • 10th Reserve - 4 bases Green
                    • 8th Silesian Landwehr - 4 bases Green
                    • Silesian Schutzen - 1 base
                    • 1st Silesian Hussars - 1 base
                    • 1 x medium foot artillery 

                  Legend Colour Coding Mostly for my own benefit, to see where on earth I am up to with this massive project, at a single glance.
                  HTML Link = Unit all done, and blog account written up.
                  Red = Unit all done, yet to write up blog account.
                  Green = In the final painting queue, wont be long now.