Major Announcement & Teaser
For anyone that has been following this blog for a while ... you may have noticed that its been a long time between posts.
Not to worry ... :)
The last 12 months have been a pretty mad flurry of painting, modelling, photography, fund raising, rule writing, play testing and .... game development. Albeit on the quiet.
I have managed to go through lots of paint bottles, knock a significant dent out of the ever growing LeadMountain, and drunk a tonne of coffee.
I am super pleased with the results of this, and I hope that you all might find some benefits in the finished product as well :)
Napoleonic Tabletop Miniature Gaming
A division level engagement in GrandTactical scale. |
So .....
In a nutshell, what I have been concentrating on is finishing off my vision of a Napoleonic era
Tabletop Miniature Wargaming concept for the 21st century.
The original concept involved a computer moderated system of that uses familiar web technology to deliver a fast moving, multi-user system for tabletop battles. The 'rule mechanics' being based 99% on the Empire rules.
After almost 6 months of near continuous playtesting .. that vision has morphed somewhat, with a view to providing something with a broader appeal to all wargamers in general.