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Saturday 31 December 2011

Austrian Infantry Regt 36 - Wagram, 1809

Regiment of the Day

Today we look at the astounding Austrian Infantrie Regiment 36, 1st Division, I Corps .. who fought at Wagram in 1809.

Friday 30 December 2011

Austrian Infantrie Regt 17 - Wagram, 1809

Regiment of the Day

Today we look at the sublime Austrian Infantrie Regiment 17, 1st Division, I Corps, who fought at Wagram, 1809.

Thursday 29 December 2011

Austrian Infantrie Regt 10 - Wagram, 1809

Regiment of the Day

Today, believe it or not ... we have yet another Austrian Regiment dressed in white. This time, it is the ever reliable ranks of Austrian Infantrie Regt 10, 2nd Division, I Corps .. who fought at Wagram in 1809.

Wednesday 28 December 2011

Austrian Infantrie Regt 47 - Wagram, 1809

Regiment of the Day

Today we look at the drunken misfits of Austrian Infantrie Regt Nr 47, 1st Division, I Corps .. who were rumoured to attend the events at Wagram in 1809.

Tuesday 27 December 2011

Austrian Infantrie Regt 35 - Wagram, 1809

Regiment of the Day

Today we look at the cheerful slackers of Austrian Infantrie Regt 35, 2nd Division, I Corps .. who fought at Wagram in 1809.

Sunday 25 December 2011

Austrian Infantrie Regt 11 - Wagram, 1809

Regiment of the Day

Today we look at the utterly mediocre Austrian Infantrie Regt Nr 11, 1st Divsion, I Corps ... who timidly collected their pay checks whilst they sat around doing as little as possible.

Friday 23 December 2011

Austrian Advanced Guard Division - Wagram 1809

Corps of the Day

Today, we put together all of the units to make up the Austrian Advanced Guard Division under the command of GM Nordman ... and see how they fit together on the battlefield.

Thursday 22 December 2011

Russian 2nd Division - Eylau 1807

Division of the Day

Today we gather together all of the Russian units making up the 2nd Division on Ostermann Tolstoy's Left Wing Army, and see how they operate as a fighting force.

Wednesday 21 December 2011

Saxon Heavy Foote and Medium Horse Batteries - Jena 1806

Regiment of the Day

Today we look at the interesting mixture of artillery pieces used by the Saxon forces of Grawert's 1st Division, as part of Hohenlohe's Southern Army Group at Jena, 1806.

Tuesday 20 December 2011

Cavalry Brigade Henkel - Jena 1806

Regiment of the Day

Today we look at the Cavalry Brigade Henkel, comprising of the most rightly famed Krafft Dragoons, which fought with Grawert's 1st Division, as part of Hohenlohe's Southern Army Group at Jena, 1806.

Monday 19 December 2011

Saxony - Erichson Fusilers - Jena 1806

Regiment of the Day

Today we look at the Erichson Fusiliers, which formed the vanguard of Grawert's 1st Division, under Hohenlohe's Southern Army Group at Jena, 1806.

Sunday 18 December 2011

Saxon Infantry Brigade von Schimonsky - Jena 1806

Regiment of the Day

Today we look at the Saxon Infantry Brigade von Schimonsky, comprising the Sack Grenadiers., Zastrow & Grawert Musketeers, which fought as part of Grawert's 1st Division in Hohenlohe's Southern Army Group at Jena, 1806.

Saturday 17 December 2011

Saxon Infantry Brigade von Müffling - Jena, 1806

Regiment of the Day

Today we look at the Saxon Infantry Brigade von Müffling, comprising the Hahn Grenadiers, Hohenlohe & Sanitz Musketeers ..  which fought as part of Grawert's 1st Division, under Hohenlohe's Southern army group.

Friday 16 December 2011

Bavarian 2nd Division - Wagram 1809

Division of the Day

Today, lets put together all of the units in Wrede's 2nd Bavarian Division, and see how they stack up on the battlefield.

Thursday 15 December 2011

Bavarian Brigade Durosnel - Wagram 1809

Regiment of the Day

Today we look at a Brigade of Bavarian light dragoons - The 2nd Koenig and 3rd Leiningen Cheveau Legere, making up Brigade Durosnel, which fought as part of Wrede's 2nd Division at Wagram, 1809.

Wednesday 14 December 2011

Bavarian Brigade Beckers - Wagram 1809

Regiment of the Day

Today we look at 2 small regiments of Bavarian infantry (IR 6 and IR 7), that fight together under the command of Beckers, as part of Wrede's 2nd Division at Wagram, 1809.

Tuesday 13 December 2011

Bavarian Medium Artillery - Wagram 1809

Regiment of the Day

Today we look at the Bavarian artillery, which supported Wrede's 2nd Division at Wagram, 1809.

Monday 12 December 2011

Bavarian 6th Light Infantry - Wagram 1809

Regiment of the Day

Today we look at the highly dependable 6th Light Infantry battalion, attached to Wrede's 2nd Division .. which marched on a long slog to make it to the battle of Wagram in 1809.

Sunday 11 December 2011

Austrian 4th Hussars - Wagram 1809

Regiment of the Day

Today we look at the superb Austrian 4th Hussars, who fought as part of Nordman's Advanced Guard Division at Wagram, 1809.

Saturday 10 December 2011

The Battle of Krookwurst Bridge - Part 1

Battle of the Day

Starting the holiday gaming period a little early this year. Well, there is quite a bit of homework to do first.

The battle of Krookwurst Bridge is a playtest scenario to iron out some rule modifications for a mini campaign in the theme of 'Death or Glory' Napoleonic slightly-historical battles.

Still a stack of troops to get ready - I have managed to paint heaps this year, but its only the tip of a very big iceberg I think.

Aside from that, there is the magnificent gaming area. Rescued a lot of room from the dark corners of the shed, and created a little private zone for indulging my 'hobby' .. or 'profession', or whatever you want to call it.

I have been lucky to have the luxury of 2 small areas that I have been able to put together. Behind the working area of the shed, past the secret door, there is now a high security secret room that contains the gaming table, a few shelves, some military paraphenalia, and a computer loaded with period videos and music.

Its also a great place to hang up uniforms and other excellent ebay finds that you collect along the way.

Prussian 9th Brigade - Dresden 1813

Brigade of the Day

Today we put together all those little 1813 Prussian Regiments we have so far, and have a look at Klux's 9th Brigade all formed up and ready to fight.

Friday 9 December 2011

New Guns issued for the Austrian troops

News of the Day

Vienna, 9 Dec 1808.

A formal parade was held at the Austrian barracks today to hand over a number of new artillery pieces for the Austrian forces.

4 batteries of 6lb cannon of foote were unveiled before an appreciative audience.

These are brand new cannon, unfired and un-soiled by soot (or Vallejo black glaze for that matter)

Especially polished for the occassion, the gun barrels were greatly admired by all observers.

As so were the brass rails on the gun carraige .. and the leather of the seating was clean and brightly polished. Lovely !  
After drinks were served, the Quatermaster General of Artillery then unveiled the latest masterpiece - a stunning foote cannon of 12lb calibre.

Shock and Awe was the order of the day as the audience viewed this shiny new apparatus of devastation.
The sight of this magnificent weapon caused some visible concern to the French Ambassador.
Surely no troop could stand before the might of this weapon.

A closer view of the advanced aiming apparatus for this enormous 12lb cannon.

Prussian Neumark Dragoons - Dresden 1813

Regiment of the Day

Today we look at the Neumark Dragoons, which formed part of 9th Brigade under Von Kleist's Corps at the battle of Dresden, 1813.

"Here, I must give the greatest credit to the Lithuanian Dragoons, incl. the Volunteer Jager Squadron, who had performed to the highest standards during the entire campaign ... for the way in which they carried out the next manouevre could not have been done better on the parade ground. I had them turn right about by troops, right wheel in squadrons and charged the [French] battalion in echelon ... We had to jump both the ditches which lined the road ... The French were in column and hurrying towards Wiederitzsch ... we got among them and there followed a great bloodbath ..." - Wilhelm Ludwig Victor Graf von Donnersmark

Thursday 8 December 2011

15mm .. done Right

Tip of the Day

Surfing around the other day from TMP, and came across a professional miniatures artist by the name of Jen Haley.

In case you haven't seen her work, I thought I would highlight some of it here .. particularly her 15mm stuff.

You can visit her site here :  http://www.paintrix-miniatures.com/about.php

This was a professional commission for Kurasan Miniatures, and somehow .. I think someone forgot to tell Jen that you just don't go around painting 15mm figures as if they were 28s !!

Good thing nobody told her, since this was the result ... stunning stuff. Check these out.

Danger Danger - Partisans !! Bulgarians !!

Company of the Day

Something completely different today - I picked up some Soviet Partisans and WW1 Bulgarians from Eureka, and had an absolute ball painting them up.

What nice figures they are for 15mm scale !

These are from Eureka's 300 club, filling in a little touched gap in the WW1 market. I have painted these guys up for use as Polish troops or paramilitaries during the long and often crazy 'interwar' period of 1919 - 1930 something.

The whole period is filled with a distinct lack of uniformity, so you can easily throw a number of figures together to represent all sorts of interesting forces involved in this period.

Austrian 10th Hussars - Wagram 1809

Regiment of the Day

Today we look at the magnificent Austrian 4th Hussars, who fought as part of Nordman's Advanced Guard Division at Wagram, 1809.

Wednesday 7 December 2011

Prussian Silesian Schutzen - Dresden 1813

Regiment of the Day

Today we look at a unit of Prussian light infantry, that fight as part of 9th Brigade, with von Keist's Corps at Dresden ... AND ... experiment with my new all-weather, all-hours-of-the-day photo booth setup.

Austrian 13th Grenzers - Wagram 1809

Regiment of the Day

Today we look at one of the more colourful units of the Austrian Army at Wagram - the 13th Grenzers, who fought as part of Nordman's Advanced Guard Division at Wagram, 1809.

Tuesday 6 December 2011

Austrian IR 58 - Wagram 1809

Regiment of the Day

Today we look at the legendary Austrian Infantrie Regiment Nr 58, who fought as part of Nordman's Advanced Guard Division at Wagram, 1809.

Monday 5 December 2011

Austrian IR 46 - Wagram 1809

Regiment of the Day

Today we look at the astounding Austrian Infantrie Regiment Nr. 46, who fought as part of Nordman's Advanced Guard Division at Wagram, 1809.

Sunday 4 December 2011

Austrian IR 49 - Wagram 1809

Regiment of the Day

Today we look at the unstoppable Austrian Infantrie Regiment Nr 49, who fought as part of Nordman's Advanced Guard Division at Wagram, 1809.

This unit is brigaded together with IR 4 Hockmeister, to form Brigade Meyer.

Saturday 3 December 2011

Austrian IR 44 - Wagram, 1809

Regiment of the Day

Today we look at the heroic Austrian Infantrie Regiment Nr 44, who fought as part of Nordman's Advanced Guard Division at Wagram, 1809.

Friday 2 December 2011

Pavlovsky Grenadiers - Eylau 1807

Regiment of the Day

Today we have a look at the astounding Pavlovsky Grenadiers, who fought as part of Osterman Tolstoy's 2nd Division on the left wing of the Russian army at Eylau, 1807.

Wednesday 30 November 2011

1st West Prussian - Dresden 1813

Regiment of the Day

Today we look at the impressive 1st West Prussian Infantrie Regiment, who fought with the 9th Brigade under Von Kleist's Corps at the battle of Dresden, 1813.

Monday 28 November 2011

Vauban Fortification for the tabletop

Scenery of the Day

Today we look at simulating a small city on the tabletop that uses the Vauban style fortifications.

Prussian 3rd Division, von Schmettau - Jena Auerstadt 1806

Corps of the Day

Today we travel back in time to the town of Auerstadt, 1806 ... and put together all of the forces of von Schmettau's ill fated 3rd Division.

Lets see how these units form together as a combined arms force under the command of GM von Schmettau.

Friday 25 November 2011

Prussian IR 35 Prinz Heinrich - Jena Auerstadt 1806

Regiment of the Day

Today we have the impeccable Prussian Infantrie Regiment Nr 35, Prinz Heinrich, which fought as part of von Schmettau's 3rd Division at Jena Auerstadt in 1806.

Thursday 24 November 2011

Prussian medium foot artillery - 1806

Regiment of the Day

Today we look at the combined medium foot batteries of a Prussian Division from Jena Auerstadt 1806.

Prussian Dragoons von Irving - Jena Auerstadt 1806

Regiment of the Day

Tioday we have the indefatigable Dragoons of von Irwing, which fought as part of von Schmettau's 3rd Division at Jena Auerstadt.

The miracle of IsoPropyl Alcohol

Tip of the Day

On another site somewhere, some time ago, I read about using Isopropyl Alcohol to clean brushes.

If you are using acrylics such as Vallejo model color - which tends to dry very hard after a few days, then  I am pleased to report that this stuff does an excellent job of  restoring life to your favorite brush.

All those little dried up particles of acrylic paint that gather in the head of the brush and cause the tip to spread out .... gone !

Well pretty much gone anyway. After a quick thrashing in the alcohol, the whole brush recovers it's smoothness and fine tip.

So from now on, before any painting session, Im giving all the brushes a quick re-wash in this miracle substance before use.

Give it a go !

Monday 21 November 2011

Prussian IR 33 Alvensleben - Jena Auerstadt

Regiment of the Day

Today we have the magnificent Prussian IR 33 - von Alvensleben, which fought as part of von Schmettau's 3rd Division at Jena Auerstadt.

Figure Modification - Austrian Charlies Legion

Tip of the Day

Today I had a small opportunity to modify some figures for my Austrian Charles Legion battalions, as part of I Corps at Wagram.

A simple mod with greenstuff, and hopefully pretty effective.

As you may know, my 15mm Austrians are all from the warrior miniatures range, which includes 3 basic types of uniforms - Shako, Helmet, and Corsehut.

What to do with the Charles Legion then ?

Sunday 20 November 2011

Prussian IR 40 von Schimonsky - Jena Auerstadt 1806

Regiment of the Day

Today we have the legendary Prussian Infantrie Regiment Nr 40, von Schimonsky, which fought as part of von Schmettau's 3rd Division at Jena Auerstadt, 1806.