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Friday 9 December 2011

New Guns issued for the Austrian troops

News of the Day

Vienna, 9 Dec 1808.

A formal parade was held at the Austrian barracks today to hand over a number of new artillery pieces for the Austrian forces.

4 batteries of 6lb cannon of foote were unveiled before an appreciative audience.

These are brand new cannon, unfired and un-soiled by soot (or Vallejo black glaze for that matter)

Especially polished for the occassion, the gun barrels were greatly admired by all observers.

As so were the brass rails on the gun carraige .. and the leather of the seating was clean and brightly polished. Lovely !  
After drinks were served, the Quatermaster General of Artillery then unveiled the latest masterpiece - a stunning foote cannon of 12lb calibre.

Shock and Awe was the order of the day as the audience viewed this shiny new apparatus of devastation.
The sight of this magnificent weapon caused some visible concern to the French Ambassador.
Surely no troop could stand before the might of this weapon.

A closer view of the advanced aiming apparatus for this enormous 12lb cannon.

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