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Saturday 30 June 2012

Leipzig 2013 - Austrian Commanders

Officers of the Day

Adding some extra officers for the Austrians to take over Divisional commands, and a CHQ.

The Colloredo CHQ being pulled from my Wagram 1809 collection to make up the numbers ...

Divisional commanders on 40mm round bases with 2 figures.

Corps commanders on 50mm round bases with 3 figures.

(All miniatures here from warrior miniatures in Glasgow)

All just generic officers at this point - there are way too many Divisions on the field to stress out over naming each base and getting the colors of the facings correct. 

We have RFID tags for that anyway ... :)    Well thats the theory anyway.  Looks like the best option for RFID is to use the UHF versions, which are available in 25mm round stickers - mostly used for tagging small items in retail.

Just need to work out a cheap and reliable reader for the tags which is handheld, and capable of talking wirelessly to the server.

Corps commander, in shiny glossy bicorne.

A command base for a Chev Legere regiment. Leftover Austrian general fits in well for this role.

And another one for the HQ for a cuirassier regiment.

All paying a visit to a battalion of the 54th Infantrie Regiment.


  1. I love the way you organise your army. Mine were originaly in the threes too. Had to change for NapsBattles but when ever I see yours I get to thinking.. :o)
