Tuesday 3 April 2012

Computer Moderated Gaming - ORBAT editor all done !

Computer Hacks of the Day

Wow - that was  quick !

 The whole project is coming along quite nicely, but I figured that I dont want to get too bogged down in the force-editor part of the project if I can easily use something off the shelf.

Turns out there is an excellent utility program available that does a perfect job of editting ORBATs as portable XML files, and its free, and it runs on Windows and Linux as well. That part of the project is all done then.

I am using TreeLine to create and edit ORBATs then. It works brilliantly ! Its free for download, and runs on anything (Windows / Linux / Mac).

I have published some small sample ORBATs for download then ... please feel free to download any, have a play, and get back to me if you think it needs any changes.


Also, feel free to email me any Orbats you come up with for inclusion in the list !!

Here is roughly how they look in the editor :


  1. Brilliant stuff mate. I'll be following this project closely. So you know, I downloaded and tried TreeLine for a Shako II orbat and love it. I wrote a post over on my blog (http://canisterandgrape.blogspot.com.au/2012/04/treeline-great-free-army-construction.html) and linked here to give you credit for pointing me (unknowingly) in the right direction. Cheers!
