Other Pages

Friday 10 February 2012

The South Australian Schnargle-Nosed Sand Fly

Monstrosity of the Day

The South Australian Schnargle-Nosed Sand Fly.

Scientific Name: Bussirundicus Persistentium

First discovered by in 1824 by Sir Wilfred Carruthers, resident natural scientist on the ship HMS Indulgent. Approaching the Bay of Glenelg, the deck of the HMS Indulgent was set upon by a swarm of Bussirundicus Persistentium, shortly leading to the first recorded fatality from this intriguing insect.

The feature that makes this species of sand fly unique is the very prominent schnargle shaped rotating nose piece. Made from a tough layer of exoskeletal chitin, this unique adaption can rotate independently from the head of the creature, allowing it to bore holes through wood, stone, leather and even tough bone. 

Life sized super sculpy model of the sand fly, showing the schnargle shaped nose attachment distinctive to this species of flying pest.

Since the Schnagle-Nosed Sand Fly only eats dirt and detritus typically found around human settlements, scientists were at first baffled as to what function this unique rotating schnargle shaped nose offered the insect. Whilst the creature routinely drills holes in just about anything it can lay its shnargle shaped nose on, it never uses this for procuring food or assisting in the breeding cycle.

This life-sized model of the sand fly is then painted to match the actual creature, and based on a 40x30mm base to act as a flyer element for a HoTT army.

After many years of intensive study, it was concluded that the function of this biological adaption purely serves to make the insect even more annoying than is usual for a fly.

Like all native Australian insects, the South Australian Schnargle-Nosed Sand Fly is deadly poisonous, and immune to all known insecticides.

A rare Hi-Speed video capture of the Schnargle Nosed sand fly in flight. (Click the image to play the video)


  1. I think there were a few down at the beach here in Victoria this summer. The buggers!

  2. Mate, the damn things are ... every-where ! Not surprised they have made it over to Vic during the summer :)
