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Tuesday 15 November 2011

Russian Rostov Musketeers - Eylau 1807

Regiment of the Day

Today we have a look at the stoic soldiers of the Rostov Musketeers, which fought as part of Osterman Tolstoy's 2nd Division on the left wing of the Russian army at Eylau, 1807.

3 bases of Russian Musketeers in greatcoats for the Battle of Eylau 1807. Figures by Warrior Miniatures 15mm Napoleonic Range, flag is hand painted on canvas.

These are some of Warrior's 'newer' Napoleonics - which to my vernier gauge are slightly bigger and chunkier, and better figures than their older range.  I have painted the greatcoats in a German WW2 camo colour, and then hit them with Vallejo black glaze. The figure on the far left of the rear rank , I did an experiment with him using Vallejo transparent woodgrain over the german camo brown.  I do like the effect of their woodgrain, but I will use that elsewhere for now.

Rostov Musketeers - I have gone for the 'Inspection Period' facings and flags, so thats green cuffs and colors for this unit, and a green cross on a white background for the Lithuanian Inspection flag. Orange pom pom is purely speculative.
Rear quarter view of the Rostov Musketeers.

Front view. Despite the plainer appearance of troops in greatcoats, they are not necessarily easier to paint than the more flamboyant uniforms of the period. It all takes around the same amount of work actually.
Undersides of the base - Im getting a little fancier now, these guys get a full flag, gold trim, and the regiment name in Cyrillic lettering. It all counts.


  1. Although my own Russian army is 1812-13, I much prefer the more colorful uniforms of this era, which just weren't commercially available (in 25mm) way back in the day when I started my own army. I do find painting units in greatcoats faster than normal uniform, at least in 25/28mm, but as you say, perhaps not as much faster as one might think. Nice work!

  2. I had a look at some of your Russians - really superb work there ! I had some of the earlier Hinchcliffe 25s when I was a lot younger, but I shudder to think of the paintjobs I had on them back then :)

    I have a large number of 1812+ Russians in the painting queue, so I am looking forward to getting these out soon enough. Lots of lace to go with the distinctive Kiwer headgear, and stacks of cavalry.

    Thanks for your excellent article on the Russian cavalry as well - a great resource posted there.
