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Schedule 2012

Provisional Painting Schedule for 2012

This is a list of all the projects that are either sitting in lead mountain still, or are planned for expansion.

Although this list appears to be somewhat overwhelming and out of control, I will get most of the good bits done during the 2012 year.  I hope to get a little bit of everything done, for the sake of variety, however the main effort will go into getting existing projects finished, to the point where a particular period can be gamed using both sides of the conflict.

The following list is by no means exhaustive .. I havent even included the whole Spanish campaign, or the 100 days at all in the Napoleonic era yet. 

Havent even started on the Napoleonic Ottomans either ! 

Long way to go yet, and so easy to get distracted :)  

Historical Napoleonics :
Mix of warrior 15s, AB and Eureka 18s .. maybe a few others chucked in for good measure too ?

Saxon 1806
  • 2nd Division finish off
  • 3rd Division finish off
  • Reserve Division
  • Storage boxes, flags, blog articles
Prussian 1806
  • 1st Division finish off  (DHQ, Flags, Baggage, etc)
  • 2nd Division
  • 1st Reserve Division
  • 2nd Reserve Division
French 1806
  • Imperial Guard Corps (its only a small Corps)
  • III Corps - Morand's Division
  • III Corps - Friant's Division
  • III Corps - Gudin's Division
  • III Corps - HQ and Corps Assets
  • Possibly another couple of Corps, see how we go with that.
Russia 1807
  • Complete Eylau project (quite a bit to do there)
    French 1809 
    • III Corps - Morand's Division
    • III Corps - Friant's Division
    • III Corps - Gudin's Division
    • III Corps - Puthod's Division
    • III Corps - HQ and Corps Assets
    • IV Corps
    • II Corps
    Army of Italy 1809
    • Corps MacDonald
    • Corps Grenier
    • 9th Corps - Saxons
    • 7th Corps - Bavarians
    Austria 1809
    • II Corps (Big !)
    • III Corps (Big !)
    • VI Corps (Big !)
    • Reserve Corps - Scharzenberg
    • Corps of Inner Austria
    Prussia 1813
    • Corps von Kleist - Corps assets and Cavalry Reserve
    • 10th Brigade
    • 11th Brigade
    • 12th Brigade
    • Cavalry Reserve Brigade
    • I Corps - Corps assets and Cavalry Reserve
    • 1st Brigade
    • 2nd Brigade
    • 7th Brigade
    • 8th Brigade
    • III Corps - Corps assets and Cavalry Reserve
    • 3rd Brigade
    • 4th Brigade
    • 5th Brigade
    • 6th Brigade
    • IV Corps - Corps assets and Cavalry Reserve
    • Brigade Dobschutz
    • Brigade von Lindenau 
    Russia 1813
    • 1st Corps
    • 2nd Corps
    • Cavalry Corps - Pahlen III
    • 3rd Grenadier Corps
    • 5th Guard Corps
    • Reserve Cavalry Corps - Gallitzen
    • 11th Corps
    • Cavalry Corps - Vassilishikov
    • 6th Corps
    • 9th Corps
    • 10th Corps
    • 1st Cavalry Corps
    • 12th Corps
    • Corps Voronsov
    • Corps Wallmoden
    Britain 1810
    • Complete Bussaco Project

      Historical WW2 :
      Battlefront + others
      • Greek FoW battalion to finish off
      • Italian FoW bits to finish off
      Historical Interwar :
      Eureka 15mm, Peter Pig 15mm. Using Triumph of the Will, 1 Battalion = anything from 24 up to 40 figures, plus a HMG, vehicle, or artillery piece.

      • 3 Battalions of Nationalist troublemakers (regular)
      • 3 Battalions of Red troublemakers (irregular)
      • 3 Battalions of Freikorps troublemakers
      • 3 Battalions of Red Sailor troublemakers
      • 3 Battalions of International Volunteer troublemakers 
      • 3 Battalions of Intervention Force Peacekeepers
      • 3 Squadrons of Cavalry troublemakers
      • A collection of improvised armoured vehicles and field guns
      • Civilian masses / Refugees / Strikers
      • 6x4 scale model of a major city. 

      Historical Russo-Japanese War :
      Irregular 15mm
      • Russians - finish off
      • Japanese - finish off
      • Boxer Chinese / Mongolians
      • Civilians
      • Port Arthur game board
       Historical Pike and Shotte - Samples :
      Eureka / Grumpy / Irregular / Warrior 15mm .. whatever works
      • Those men whom are loyal to the Monarch
      • Those men whom are loyal to the Church
      • Those men whom are loyal only to the hand that payes them
      • Cavalry forces
      • Noblemen to lead 
      • Rules ? .. investigate options there
      • Period terrain and scenic accessories as required
      Historical Colonial - Samples :
      Irregular 15mm, plus others. HFG rules and army lists perhaps ? - just a small sample unit of each. 
      • Colonial British - red
      • Colonial British - khaki
      • La Legion Etrangere
      • Mahdist troublemakers
      • Zulu troublemakers
      • Boer troublemakers
      • Asian troublemakers
      • Extraterrestrial troublemakers

      Historical Vietnam - Samples :
      Eureka 15mm - company level, Charlie Dont Surf rules
      • French forces 
      • Viet Minh
      • USMC
      • Viet Cong
      • NVA Regulars
      • ANZAC 15's as soon as they are available
      Historical 28mm Modern - Samples :
      Eureka 28mm, RedStar Minis 28mm - whatever works, just a small number of each. Force on Force rules.
      • The locals
      • Chechen rebels (great figures from RedStar)
      • Modern irregular looking Russian regulars (RedStar)
      • Various 1st World'ers keeping the peace

      Historical 28mm SYW - Samples :
      Eureka 28mm. I think this is the only 'proper' scale for this period. Maybe Ill do both 28 and 15 though ... maybe.  28s for collection, and 15s for gaming perhaps ? Dont know yet.
      • Prussians
      • Austrians
      • French
      • British
      • Bavarian
      • Spanish
      • Whatever else ... ?

      Historical 1853-1870 - Samples :
      Irregular 15mm / Eureka 18mm

      • Prussians
      • Bavarians
      • Saxons
      • Wurtemburg
      • Schleswig Holstein
      • Crimean British
      • Crimean Russian
      • Turkish
      • French Regulars
      • French Colonials
      Historical Modern - 2/3mm :
      Small, inexpensive armies for operational conflict, using irregular 2mm and Oddzial Osmy 3mm models - infantry, vehicles, aircraft. Brilliant little things they are !   

      Rules - are homegrown, operational scale - http://2mm-madness.blogspot.com
      • 1939-41  Wehrmacht
      • 1941  Fallschirmjager
      • 1939 Polish Forces
      • 1940-41 French + BEF / Commonwealth
      • 1943-45 Soviet
      • 1943-45 Wehrmacht
      • 1944-45 US / British
      • 1980s BOAR
      • 1980s US Army Europe
      • 1980s Bundeswehr
      • 1980s Soviet
      • 1980s NVA

        Semi-Historical DBA: 
        Eureka 15mm/28mm, splintered light, Chariot, Khurasan, Warrior
        • Armageddon 2012 Project :
        • Sumerian historical + HoTT elements from Gilgamesh Epic
        • NKE Finish off + add HoTT elements for HiTech
        • Hebrew Army with Arc of the Covenant
        • Add Biblically plausible HoTT elements to each existing DBA army
        • Add Chariots-of-the-Gods HoTT elements where appropriate
        • Complete Sodom and Gommorah Project Armies
        • Hindu DBA / HoTT army with blue skinned heroes / Vimyana
        • Classical Greek army with HoTT elements (Cyclops, Centaur, etc)
        • Islamic Conquest Army ? (stretching the timeline perhaps, but the theme fits)
        • City of Babylon gaming board

        Mostly Fictional :
        Eureka 15mm, splintered light, GZG, Khurasan, Warrior, East Riding Minis

        • Soviets, US, Germans - 1947 skirmish level campaign in Antarctica (Force on Force / Tomorrows War)
        • Antactica underground city and tunnels board
        • Moon base board
        • 18th Century Gothic - 4 small tricorne and musket armies each with a slightly different twist.
        • HoTT Orc Army
        • HoTT Elf Army
        • HoTT Dwarf Army
        • HoTT Garden Gnome Army
        • HoTT Cthulhu monstrosity Army